March 2025-May 2025
Unit I: Tabernacle, Sacrifices, and Atonement
1. March 2 A Kingdom of Priests, a Holy Nation
Exodus 19
2. March 9 A Space for God
Exodus 25-27
3. March 16 The Ordination of Priests
Exodus 29:1-37; Leviticus 8:1-36
4. March 23 Offering a Sweet Aroma to God
Leviticus 1:1-17; 6:8-13
5. March 30 The Day of Atonement
Leviticus 16
Unit II: Christ's All-Sufficient Sacrifice
6. April 6 Christ's Once-for-All Sacrifice Hebrews 9:23-10:25
7. April 13 Christ the Atoning Sacrifice 1 John 2:1-6; 4:7-21 (Palm Sunday)
8. April 20 Christ Dies and Rises to New Life Matthew 27:24-28:10 (Easter)
9. April 27 The Lamb is Worthy
Revelation 5
Unit III: Special Offerings and the Sanctuary
10. May 4 David's Sacrifice 1 Chronicles 21:1-22:1
11. May 11 Solomon Dedicates the Temple
2 Chronicles 7:1-20
12.May 18 Worship Is Restored after Exiles Return
Ezra 3:1-13
13. May 25 A Covenant Renewal
Nehemiah 8:1-10:39