Moderator                                                           Julian M. Davis, III
                                         Assist. Moderator                                              Andrew J. Robinson, III
                                         Clerk                                                                   Velda Morris                                                                 
                                         Assist. Clerk                                                       
                                         Treasurer                                                            Catherine Joyce Caffey
                                         Assist. Treasurer                                                Paula Stanton
                                         Treasurer of Improvement Fund                      Elise Morris
                                         Assist. Treasurer of Improvement Fund         Constance Moorer
                                         Financial Secretary                                           Sandra Johnson-Moore
                                         Historian                                                             Kathryn Robinson
                                         Trustee Chair                                                Ms. Alexis Robinson


Minister of Music      Vincent Perry
                                                                                        Secretary                    Bonita Bitten 
                                                                                        Custodian                   Jeffrey Jenkins                


The church recognizes the importance of musical expression. For this reason, music is included in all worship services, special programs and many other activities. The following programs are open to persons who wish to participate in organized Christian music groups:
Chancel Choir
Youth Choir
Fifth Sunday Choir
Creative Angels Liturgical Dance Group
Bell Ringers


The Council is the executive body of this church. It is comprised of the Moderator; Assistant Moderator; Clerk; Assistant Clerk; Treasurers; Assistant Treasurers; a member of the Diaconate Board; a member of the Trustee Board; a member of the Board of Christian Education, and four (4) members-at-large. The function of the Council is to visualize the entire welfare of the church and to formulate, with the Pastor, a well rounded program. The Council acts for the church in matters and problems that may occur, always assuming that matters of major concern must have the confirmation of the membership.


Diaconate -  The Diaconate Board is composed of twelve (12) members, preferably six (6) men and six (6) women. The Board enhances the service of ministry by broadening and deepening the areas of spiritual life within the congregation, as well as the community. Members set good examples of stewardship and Christian endeavors and supplement pastoral care by engaging in nurturing activities for the church family and community.

Trustee - The Trustee Board has the care and custody of the property of the church as a sacred trust. Trustees are primarily concerned with business and financial matters. There are nine (9) members of this Board.

Christian Education -  The Board of Christian Education has general oversight of the total educational program of the church                    which includes the Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, adult fellowships, Vacation Bible School, etc. The board coordinates programs and events that address the Christian growth of both the church and community. This Board consists of the Church School Superintendent; Assistant Superintendent; Youth Director, and six (6) members-at-large. Additional members may be appointed by the Board.


Women's Christian Fellowship - The Women's Christian Fellowship strives to actively and faithfully participate in missionary                activities that involve charitable gestures and ventures within the church and community. It aims to contribute to the moral, spiritual and personal growth of each member through prayer and Christian fellowship.

Angola Guild -  The Angola Guild, a spirit-filled group of Christian women, is dedicated to serving the church, community and the world. The organization was founded in the early 1940's by Mrs. Carrie McAlpine. The founders made layettes for babies in Angola, Africa. The Guild was so named because of this project.

Henry Glover Laymen's Fellowship - Founded in the 1950's, the Laymen's Fellowship is inclusive of all male members of the church. The organization's basic philosophy is to promote brotherhood throughout the congregation. In addition, members serve as positive role models and mentors for the young men and boys of the church and community. 


United Church of Christ
 Southeast Conference, UCC
AL/TN/MS  Association




Christian Education

We are ....

"The Friendly Church on the Hill"




Christian Education

Youth Activities

Bell Ringers
Liturgical Dancers
Youth Choir
Field Trips and Social Activities
If you are looking for a spiritual home,
 We are the ...

  "Friendly Church on the Hill"


Women's Christian Fellowship

Angola Guild

Henry Glover Laymen's Fellowship


   Social Action -  This committee keeps abreast of local, state and national issues of justice, freedom, and social 
                              concerns; initiates efforts to respond to those issues that interest and impact the membership, and
                              coordinates church activities which relate to social issues and issues of justice.

   Relations -       This committee serves as an advisory group to the pastor regarding concerns and desires of the
                             membership; supports the pastor's leadership and relays the pastor's concerns and desires to the
                             church membership; communicates the feelings and concerns of church members to the pastor with
                             the purpose of supporting a healthy relationship between the members and pastor.

   Nominating -   This committee recommends a slate of officers at the Annual Meeting and recommends nominees for 
                            vacancies as they occur.

   Greeters -        This committee extends the initial welcome to members and visitors at regular worship services and
                            other church-wide gatherings; distributes church bulletins or programs as appropriate; implements
                            a follow-up system of communication with guests, and collects offerings at the regular Sunday
                            morning worship service.

   Budget -          This committee reviews the budget of the previous year; analyzes the current financial status of the
                            church; considers the needs for the ensuing year; formulates a budget for the ensuing year, and
                            presents the proposed budget at the Fourth Quarterly Meeting.

   Archives -        This committee assists the historian in keeping a journal and a pictorial record of all significant church
                            events and occurrences of interest to the church.

   Committees -  Such committees shall be established by the church as the church shall, from time to time, deem
                            necessary in order to carry on the work of the church. 
Church Council
Vision Statement

"Committed to sharing the transformative hope of the gospel through intentional discipleship and compassionate outreach, and to equipping and empowering our communities to thrive in their relationship with Jesus Christ."